Getting married is such a wonderful time in your life! I remember it so well and if my husband would be up for it, I’d do it again!!! I love everything about weddings: the promise it brings to the couple, the gorgeous wedding dresses, the beautiful flowers, the perfect invitations, the gifts (who doesn’t!), the awesome party… all of it! The ONLY thing I regret about it was not knowing about having a Boudoir session as a gift for my husband. In fact, I didn’t even know about it until many years into our marriage! Do you know the saying, “hind-site is 20/20”? Well I’m “hind-site” telling you that I wish someone told me about this in 2005!
Here’s why:
1. It’s a beautiful milestone that should be fully celebrated and remembered! You may not have your wedding day body, wedding day looks and wedding day excitement years later and it’s a wonderful way to remember that amazing time in your life.
2. It’s an AHHHHH-MAZING gift to give to your fiance! Let’s face it, He/She thinks you are sexy, gorgeous and fun! Why not show him/her how much they mean to you with a unique gift that is of YOU! Everyone does a watch, a flask, etc, but images of you will be what he/she remembers for a lifetime!
3. You will feel beautiful, sexy, confident, feminine, empowered and so much more! Looking and feeling intimate in a secure and safe space will shine through when you see the simplistic and classy images of you in your veil. These images are beyond wedding images and will remind you how lovely you really are, on a daily basis and for years to come!
4. Fast turnaround time means you get to re-live the moment more often! I remember my wedding so very well and I also remember the process in which we had to wait for our wedding images. It’s not that they weren’t beautiful but we waited 3-4 months and that is considered “fast”! My brother didn’t see his images for nearly 6 months! And those are just the proofs, not even an album! This process, in my honest opinion, takes a little bit of the joy out of the moment and the excitement has faded a bit. Plus with social media and your friends all posting real time pics from your wedding, you technically already have your wedding pics HA! With Adore la Vie, you can have your images, album, books, etc, in about 3 weeks!
5. Your wedding budget can fit one more expense! It may not feel that way now, but being on the “hindsite” part of things, that extra bit of money for a luxury boudoir session, will have been forgotten 6 months, 1 year, 5 years down the road, We paid so much for our invitations and we never saw them and let’s face it, everyone will throw them away!!!! The thought just makes me cringe, but your boudoir images, wow!!! Those will be something you share and cherish forever!

At the end of the day, it’s a beautiful experience, it’s an intimate experience and it’s an amazingly fun experience! Savor this time in your life, show off how gorgeous you are to your fiance and give him/her an intimate and personalized gift that you both can share for the rest of your life!
Let me know if you have any questions! I’d love to speak with you!
Adore la Vie